Friday, March 28, 2008

Nest Building - 101

Spring must have arrived at last. We have seen squirrels all winter, but normally with a walnut in their mouth heading back to their winter home. Today (March 28, 2008) though, we have seen a squirrel make repeated trips into an oak tree located outside our kitchen window. He proceeded to bite off small branches with leaves still intact and make his way back to some tree where he is building a nest for his mate.

After several trips to the oak tree, the squirrel switched to a wild cherry tree where he stripped off some bark from a dead limb. He has quite a mouth full. Apparently the bark will be used to hold the oak branches together as he builds the nest- a very clever squirrel.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

According to C. S. Lewis (in Prince Caspian) squirrels consider it bad manners to watch where a squirrel is hiding his food. :o)